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Master thesis project: 2008-2009

The Input Device of the Future

Computer keyboards as we have them today were designed about 130 years ago. It is an interesting fact that earlier models permitted to type faster, but would also cause the “hammers” to jam if the typist was too fast. A clever engineer solved the problem by spreading out commonly used keys and thereby slowing down every typist. For 130 years we have been stuck with that slow keyboard even if jamming is no longer a issue. But the real problem of current keyboards is that they are useless for devices that are smaller than a laptop, that they commit two hands, and that they need to be laid on a somewhat flat support.

Our objective is to develop a keyboard that can be used with one hand in pretty much any situation and without looking. This could become a universal input device to be used in any situation where inputs are needed, including interfacing with a PDA or with the GPS while driving a car. We already have a working prototype but there is ample margin for improvements. Contributions may be in terms of hardware and/or software and/or interface design. We are happy to give more details verbally.

Engineering/design skills

Bixio Rimoldi, tel: 32679, office INR 111,
Marius Kleiner, tel: 35674, office: INR 036,
Stéphane Brunner, tel: 37552, office: INR 138,

Prof. Bixio Rimoldi

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