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Master semester project: 2007-2008

Development of an Automated Code Verification Tool

Recursion testing suites are widely accepted as a rigorous method for verifying that a software element satisfies a set of interface specifications. This project will consist of the development of an automated tool for ensuring that submitted code passes a set of tests. Test will be specified in a hierarchical nature so that sub-elements are first tested individually, before the entire submission is tested.

The code to be tested will be in MATLAB, and the testing tool will most likely take the form of part MATLAB and part in a language of the student's choice. This project has scope for a motivated student to take it in the direction that interests them, for example, development of a test definition system that allows more than simple fixed input-fixed output tests, or suggestions for likely errors.

Ability to develop structured re-usable software
Some compiler experience would be beneficial
At least a basic knowledge of MATLAB

Peter Berlin, tel: 35635, room: INR 141,
Marius Kleiner, tel.: 35674, room: INR 036,

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