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en:home:hidden:overview [2009/01/23 20:09]
en:home:hidden:overview [2009/02/10 11:38]
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 The **information processing group** is concerned with fundamental issues in the area of communications,​ in particular coding and information theory. Information theory establishes the limits of communications -- what is achievable and what is not. Coding theory tries to devise low complexity schemes that approach these limits. ​ The **information processing group** is concerned with fundamental issues in the area of communications,​ in particular coding and information theory. Information theory establishes the limits of communications -- what is achievable and what is not. Coding theory tries to devise low complexity schemes that approach these limits. ​
-To say it the [[http://​www.youtube.com/​watch?​v=uprjmoSMJ-o|Monty ​Phyton ​]]way: Our chief weapon is probability ... probability and fear ... fear and surprise.... Our two weapons are fear and surprise ​... and ruthless efficiency ​.... Our **three** weapons are fearsurprise, and ruthless efficiency ​... and an almost fanatical devotion to the Pope ... well you get the point+To say it the [[http://​www.youtube.com/​watch?​v=uprjmoSMJ-o|Monty ​Python ​]]way: Our chief weapon is probability ... probability and abstract algebra ​... abstract algebra ​and probability.... Our **two** weapons are abstract algrebra ​and probability ​... and optimization ​.... Our **three** weapons are abstract algebraprobability, and optimization ​... and an almost fanatical devotion to methods of statistical physics ​... 
- +Our **four** ... no ... **Amongst** our weapons .... Amongst our weaponry ... are such elements as abstract algebra, probability ..
-statistical physics methods+\\  
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Last modified:: %2009/%02/%10 %11:%Feb