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en:group:academic_visitors [2009/07/21 14:19]
en:group:academic_visitors [2014/09/04 15:18]
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 +^**[[http://​math.nd.edu/​people/​faculty/​roxana-smarandache/​| Prof. Roxana Smarandache]]** ​ ^^
 +|{{:​en:​group:​smarandache.jpg?​58x74&​nolink|Prof. Smarandache}}|Prof. Smarandache of the University of Notre Dame is with us as an Academic visitor until July 2015.|
 +^**[[http://​www3.nd.edu/​~mhaenggi/​| Prof. Martin Hänggi]]** ​ ^^
 +|{{:​en:​group:​haenggi.jpg?​58x74&​nolink|Prof. Hänggi}}|Prof. Hänggi of the University of Notre Dame is with us as an Academic visitor until July 2015.|
 +^**[[http://​www.lss.supelec.fr/​index.php?​menu=presentation&​submenu=organigramme&​page=page_perso&​nom=VIGNAT&​prenom=Christophe&​lang=fr|Prof. Christophe Vignat]]** ​ ^^
 +|{{en:​group:​vignat.jpg?​58x74&​nolink|}}| Prof. Vignat of the Université Paris-Sud was with us as an Invited Professor from mid-January until end of July 2011.|
 +^**[[http://​www.eurecom.fr/​people/​elia.en.htm|Prof. Petros Elia]]** ​ ^^
 +|{{:​en:​group:​elia.jpg?​58x74&​nolink|}} | Prof. Elia of EURECOM , visited us in June 2011 and gave a talk at the Summer Research Institute.|
 +^**[[http://​www.math.ku.dk/​~stordal/​|Prof. Jacob Stordal Christiansen]]** ​ ^^
 +|{{en:​group:​photo_jsc1.jpg?​58x74&​nolink|}} | Prof. Jacob Stordal Christiansen of the University of Copenhagen, was a visitor at the end of June / beginning of July 2011.|
 +^**[[http://​www.ee.bilkent.edu.tr/​~arikan//​|Prof. Erdal Arikan]]** ​ ^^
 +|{{en:​group:​erdal.jpg?​58x74&​nolink|}} | Prof. Arikan of Bilkent University, Anakara, visited us as an Invited Professor from November 2010 until end of June 2011.|
 +^**[[http://​www.tcs.tifr.res.in/​~onkar/​Onkar_Dabeer/​Home.html|Prof. Onkar Dabeer]]** ​ ^^
 +|{{en:​group:​onkar_copie.png?​58x74&​nolink}}|Prof. Dabeer, Faculty at TIFR, is visiting us from July 2010 till January 2011.|
 +^**[[http://​www.supelec.fr/​ecole/​radio/​Web_piantanida/​home.html/​|Prof. Pablo Piantanida]]** ​ ^^
 +|{{{{en:​group:​piantanida.jpg?​58x74&​nolink|}} | Prof. Piantanida the Department of Telecommunications,​ Supélec (Ecole Supérieure d'​Electricité) visited us in July 2009.  During his visit he gave a talk entitled '​Capacity of Compound State-Dependent Channels with State Information at the Transmitter'​.|
 +^**[[http://​people.csail.mit.edu/​indyk/​|Prof. Piotr Indyk]]** ​ ^^
 +|{{{{en:​group:​indyk.jpg?​58x74&​nolink|}}| Prof. Indyk of the Stanford University visited us in the summer of 2009 when he gave a talk at the Summer Research Institute.|
 +^**[[http://​www.ee.ucla.edu/​faculty-sayed.htm|Prof. Ali H. Sayed]]** ​ ^^
 +|{{en:​group:​sayed.jpg?​58x74&​nolink|}}| Prof. Sayed of the Chinese University of California, Los Angeles visited us in the summer of 2009 when he gave a talk at the Summer Research Institute.|
 ^**[[http://​home.ie.cuhk.edu.hk/​~jwhuang/​|Prof. Jianwei Huang]]** ​ ^^ ^**[[http://​home.ie.cuhk.edu.hk/​~jwhuang/​|Prof. Jianwei Huang]]** ​ ^^
-|{{{{en:​group:​jianwei.jpg?​58x74&​nolink|}} | Prof. Huang of the Chinese University of Hong Kong visited us in the summer of 2009 when he gave a talk at the Summer Research Institute.|+|{{en:​group:​jianwei.jpg?​58x74&​nolink|}} | Prof. Huang of the Chinese University of Hong Kong visited us in the summer of 2009 when he gave a talk at the Summer Research Institute.|
 \\ \\
 ^**[[http://​www.ee.bilkent.edu.tr/​~arikan/​|Prof. Erdal Arikan]]** ​ ^^ ^**[[http://​www.ee.bilkent.edu.tr/​~arikan/​|Prof. Erdal Arikan]]** ​ ^^

Last modified:: %2014/%09/%04 %15:%Sep