Disruption-Tolerant Networking for flying ad-hoc network

The aim of this project is to study and assess Disruption-Tolerant Networking (DTN) protocols applied to a flying ad-hoc networks of unmanned micro air vehicle. Algorithms and protocols will be evaluated by network emulations. The student will be involved in the LCM/LIS research project, SMAVNET II, on dynamic routing and swarm control strategies for ad-hoc networks of unmanned micro air vehicle. The student will work in tight collaboration with the SMAVNET team.

Phase 0 (Preliminary study)
1) Understand what it is the role of transport layer protocols.
2) Understand the difference between TCP, UDP, and DTN.

Phase 1
3) Read and review the scientific literature on DTN. Understand
4) Select one or more implementations of DTN protocol to be tested in the SMAVNET emulator.

Phase 2
5) Prepare and run emulations.
6) Elaborate and Analyze the results. Create plots to compare the DTN performance with other benchmark case.
7) Understand and comment the results, and draw conclusions.

- Notions of computer networks
- Notions of network routing and transport protocols
- Experience with Linux systems
- BASH and/or Python scripting languages is a plus

Dr. Stefano Rosati, LCM, tel: 37552, office INR 138, stefano.rosati@epfl.ch

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