====== Installation ====== Instal a Debian Sarge version: * Network card: eth1 * Host name: radio(1|2) * Dommain name: lcmpc1.epfl.ch * Select desktop (GUI) only Partitions: * / 10Go (primary) * /usr 10Go * /var 10Go * /tmp 1Go * /big unused space (about 40 Go) * swap 2.8Go (primary) remove created user: deluser //username// In file ///etc/apt/sources.list// replace **stable** by **sarge**. ===== Kernel compilation ===== Needed packages: apt-get install kdm numlockx sysv-rc-conf mozilla-firefox libncurses5-dev kernel-package gcc-2.95 checkinstall rm /usr/bin/gcc ln -s /usr/bin/gcc-2.95 /usr/bin/gcc Get kernel and patch from: **/home/sradio/Programmes/Kernel** to /usr/src exec: cd /usr/src tar -xjf linux-2.4.22.tar.bz2 ln -s linux-2.4.22 linux cd linux-2.4.22 patch -p1 < ../rtlinux_patch patch -p1 < ../bigphysarea-2.4.20.diff patch -p1 < ../patch2G_2G_2.4.20 fix the segond patch ! get //.config//. or //make menuconfig// and add: * remove power management * add PIV * add bigphys * add SMP * User address space size => 2 Exec: make-kpkg clean make-kpkg --initrd kernel-image // User address space size => 2 dpkg -i ../kernel-image-2.4.22-rtl3.2-pre3-bigphys_10.00.Custom_i386.deb //or //make clean //make dep //make bzImage //make modules //make module_install //make install in ///boot/gruub/menu.lst// change: kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.4.22-rtl3.2-pre3-bigphys root=/dev/sda1 ro to kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.4.22-rtl3.2-pre3-bigphys root=/dev/sda1 ro bigphysarea=131072 add eepro100 to modules: echo "eepro100" >> /etc/modules then reboot on new kernel. ===== Compile RTLinux ===== unzip rtlinux: tar -xvjf rtlinux-3.2-pre3.tar.bz2 prepare: cd /usr/src/rtlinux-3.2-pre3 ln -s /usr/src/linux linux get //.config//. or //make menuconfig// and add: * Thread-Posix_Signal * posix-timers * posix-priority Compile & install: make dep make // without -j8 (don't work) make install test: make regression at end: rm /lib/modules/2.4.22-rtl3.2-pre3-bigphys/misc/rtl_debug.o ln -s /usr/src/rtlinux-3.2-pre3/debugger/rtl_debug.o /lib/modules/2.4.22-rtl3.2-pre3-bigphys/misc/ rm /etc/init.d/rtlinux cp /usr/src/rtlinux-3.2-pre3/scripts/rtlinux /etc/init.d/ ln -s /etc/init.d/rtlinux /etc/rc5.d/S90rtlinux ln -s /etc/init.d/rtlinux /etc/rc4.d/S90rtlinux ln -s /etc/init.d/rtlinux /etc/rc3.d/S90rtlinux replace qt3 by qt3mt: apt-get remove libqt3-dev // not needed ? apt-get install libqt3-compat-headers libqt3-mt-dev ==== ICS ==== * copy ICS to ///usr/ics// do : cd /usr/ics/ics554-src/ sh install.sh cd /usr/ics/ics564-src/ sh install.sh ln -s /usr/ics/ics554-src/drv/ics554.o /lib/modules/2.4.22-rtl3.2-pre3-bigphys/misc copy files from //init.d// to ///etc/init.d// ===== NFS ===== In the file /etc/fstab add: fileserver:/home /home nfs defaults 0 0 fileserver:/home/sradio /home/sradio nfs defaults 0 0 ===== SSH ===== get old key from /etc/ssh restart ssh exchange ssh keys cd cd SRadio.//username// cd Conventions ./lussh ===== Network ===== get old file /etc/network/interfaces install guessnet (apt-get install guessnet) ===== Edit bashrc ===== vi ~/.bashrc Add: if [[ -f /etc/bash_completion ]]; then . /etc/bash_completion fi ===== NIS ===== sudo apt-get install nis domain name: msr on file /etc/yp.conf add: ypserver on file /etc/passwd add: +::0:0::: on file /etc/shadow add: +:::::::: on file /etc/group add: +::: add the public IP ( to the fileserver file /etc/ypserve.securenet. ===== NTP ===== sudo apt-get install ntpdate ntp-server Edit file ///etc/default/ntpdate// :change NTPSERVERS to cognac.epfl.ch => NTPSERVERS="cognac.epfl.ch" #NTPSERVERS="pool.ntp.org" # # additional options for ntpdate #NTPOPTIONS="-v" NTPOPTIONS="-u" ===== Matlab ===== Get a licenses on http://distrilog.epfl.ch sudo mkdir /net sudo mkdir /net/linuxline sudo mkdir /net/linuxline/export sudo mkdir /net/linuxline/export/mirror sudo mount linuxline:/export/mirror /net/linuxline/export/mirror sudo apt-get install alien alien -dv /net/linuxline/export/mirror/LICENSES/MATLAB74/Matlab-full-7.4-1.i386.rpm dpkg -i matlab-full_7.4-2_i386.deb ===== APT ===== Create file ///etc/cron.daily/apt// contains : #! /bin/sh apt-get update; apt-get -y upgrade; ===== SSH ===== edit file ///etc/ssh/sshd_config// change //X11Forwarding no// by X11Forwarding yes