===== Analyzing the Structure of Wikipedia ===== \\ The aim of this project is to analyze the structure of a large existing web graph such as Wikipedia with roughly N = 6 million nodes and E = 200 million edges. Spectral algorithms exist for such tasks, but their runtime O(N^3) is prohibitive for the above application. Various methods have been developed for tackling this issue. We aim at studying and implementing some of these.\\ \\ **Reference:** Hammond-Vandergheynst-Gribonval (2011)\\ \\ **Prerequisites for this project:** good programming skills! \\ \\ **Contact:** olivier.leveque#epfl.ch (LTHI), pierre.vandergheynst#epfl.ch (LTS2)\\ \\ [[https://ipgwww.epfl.ch/doku.php?id=en:projects|Back to projects menu]]