^**[[|Mr Orhan Öçal]]** ^^ ||{{:en:group:orhan_ocal.jpg?58x74&nolink|}}| Mr Öçal of Bogazici University, Istanbul, will be visiting us for a summer internship from end-June until mid-September 2011.| ^**[[|Mr Panu Uengsakul]]** ^^ ||{{:en:group:panu.jpg?58x74&nolink|}}| Mr Uengsakul, of Thai nationality, is currently studying at the Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Korea. He will be visiting us for a summer internship from mid-June until mid-September 2011.| ^**[[|Mr Luis Salamanca]]** ^^ ||{{:en:group:luis.jpg?58x74&nolink|}}| Mr Salamanca, PhD of the University of Sevilla will be visiting us from June till August 2011.| ^**[[|Mr Takayuki Nozaki]]** ^^ ||{{:en:group:photo-nozaki.jpg?58x74&nolink|}}| Mr Nozaki, PhD of the Tokyo Institute of Technology is visiting us from April till June 2011| ^**[[|Ms Iulia Carjeu]]** ^^ ||{{en:group:iulia.jpg?58x74&nolink|}}| Ms Carjeu of the University of Bucharest was a summer visitor from July till September 2010.| ^**[[|Mr Sewoong Oh]]** ^^ ||{{en:group:sewoong_venice.jpg?58x74&nolink|}}| Mr Oh of Stanford University was with us as a visiting PhD student from the mid June until mid September 2009.| ^**[[|Mr Thomas Riedl]]** ^^ ||{{en:group:tom_uiuc.jpg?58x74&nolink|}}| Mr Riedl of Urbana Champain University will be with us as a visiting PhD student from the beginning of June until the end of July 2009. He will be spending next Summer semesters with us| ^**[[|Mr Liang Gong]]** ^^ ||{{en:group:gong.jpg?58x74&nolink|}}| Mr Gong of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China was with us as a visiting PhD student from the beginning of March until the beginning of July 2009.| \\ ^**[[http://www.princeton.edu/~vaggarwa/|Mr Vaneet Aggarwal]]** ^^ ||{{en:group:aggarwal.jpg?58x74&nolink|}} | Mr Aggarwal of Princeton University was with us as a visiting PhD student from the end of March until the beginning of July 2009.| \\ ^**[[http://www.stanford.edu/~ekine/|Mr Ekine Akuiyibo]]** ^^ |{{en:group:akuiyibo.jpg?58x74&nolink|}} | Mr Akuiyibo of Stanford University was a visiting PhD student in June-July 2008 and also from the beginning of July until mid September 2007.| \\ ^**[[http://www.princeton.edu/~yingli/|Ms Ying Li]]** ^^ ||{{en:group:li.jpg?58x74&nolink|}} | Ms Li of Princeton University was a visiting PhD student from the beginning of May until mid July 2007.| \\ ^**[[http://web.mit.edu/nakib/www/|Mr Baris Nakiboglu]]** ^^ |{{en:group:nakiboglu.jpg?58x74&nolink|}} | Mr Nakiboglu of MIT was a visiting PhD student from June until August 2006.| \\ ^**[[http://www.mit.edu/~lrv/|Mr Lav Varshney]]** ^^ |{{en:group:varshney.jpg?58x74&nolink|}} | Mr Varshney of MIT was a visiting PhD student from June until August 2006.| \\ ^**[[http://www.princeton.edu/~dgunduz/|Mr Deniz Gündüz]]** ^^ |{{en:group:guenduez.jpg?58x74&nolink|}} | Mr Gündüz, who at the time was a student at the Polytechnic University of New York, was a visiting PhD student in the summer of 2005.| \\